Archiv der Kategorie: Notizen | notes

18|02|15: Minerva Mary Beard

I love the classicist Mary Beard. And I advise everyone else to do so too. While studying history at The Open University a fellow inmate of A219 summoned all her courage and contacted Beard over Facebook to tell her that we had spent weeks with her writings, loathing and loving them, and were now revising for our TMA 04. The night before the deadline Beard contacted our learning group to wish us luck. Minerva herself had spoken and blessed us. The Guardian rightly dedicated a long read to her. One telling excerpt: „The (EU) referendum then, should not be treated as the final word, she said, but as a straw vote. ‚Sure, say we want to leave, but you can only in the end say we are going to leave when we know what it means. Otherwise,‘ she said, ‚it’s just wanking in the dark.‘ Thinking I had misheard, I asked her to repeat. ‚Wanking in the dark,‘ repeated Beard, at volume.“ 

18|01|27: Eröffnung 4. Wiener Ball der Wissenschaften

Caroline Weinberg (Co-Chair March for Science) und Bürgermeister Michael Häupl mit einem Button des March for Science mit der Aufschrift „Science not Silence“ / Foto: R. Ferrigato

Rede beim Empfang anläßlich des 4. Wiener Balls der Wissenschaften am 27. Jänner 2018 im Stadtsenatssitzungssaal Weiterlesen

17|11|27: The Art of Flying

The flight of a starling flock at dusk, know as a murmuration, is one of nature’s most beguiling sights. Blurring the line between the individual and the group, murmurations involve synchronised swooping patterns to ward off predators and exchange information in a manner that’s still something of a mystery to scientists. This two-minute excerpt from the Dutch filmmaker Jan van Ijken’s short documentary The Art of Flying follows a spectacular aerial performance from a massive, shape-shifting starling flock over an open field in the Netherlands.

Source: Aeon, Nov 24, 2017

17|11|24: „Wo Ferien noch Ferien sind“

 „Wo Ferien noch Ferien sind“ – „Where vacation is still vacation“ was possibly the most popular slogan my father Günter P.F. Lehmann devised, supported by the daringly psychodelically designed claim „I like Niederösterreich“. The province of Lower Austria was one of the more important customers of his advertising agency „Wilkens & Lehmann“, which he had founded in Vienna in the early 1960s with partners from Hamburg (Wilkens) and for some time from London (Pemberton). „Wilkens & Lehmann“ was sold shortly after the death of my father in March 1979 and then dissolved. Eventually I will spend more time on my father’s company which appears to represent Vienna’s 60s and 70s version of „Mad Men“. The samples found by chance in the picture archive of the Austrian National Library seem to corroborate this assumption.

17|11|16: WINFRA-Preis 2017

Wien (OTS) – Die Wiener Stadtwerke haben Mittwoch Abend (15.10.2017) zum bereits achten Mal den WINFRA für herausragende Beiträge des Wiener Infrastruktur-Journalismus vergeben. Die für die Wiener Stadtwerke und Umwelt zuständige Stadträtin Ulli Sima, Wiener Stadtwerke Generaldirektor Martin Krajcsir und WINFRA-Jury Vorsitzender Oliver Lehmann überreichten die Preise bei der WINFRA-Gala im Infocenter U2/U5 der Wiener Linien.

© Wiener Stadtwerke/APA-Fotoservice-Martin Hörmandinger


17|10|13: Carolus Clusius

Eine knapper Beitrag über einen der großen Unbekannten der österreichischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte, möglicherweise eine Anregung für eine ausführlichere Befassung irgendwann in der Zukunft.

Carolus Clusius kann als ein Gründungsvater der niederösterreichischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte beschrieben werden. Als Gelehrter von europäischem Rang gilt er als einer der Pioniere der deskriptiven Botanik. Bemerkenswert ist seine exzellente Ausbildung an den Spitzenuniversitäten seiner Zeit, seine kontinentale Vernetzung und seine interdisziplinäre Arbeitsweise – Qualitäten, wie sie auch heute hervorragende Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler auszeichnen. Weiterlesen

17|07|12: The tip of the iceberg

Journalists are often told and forced to find comparisons in order to make magnitudes comprehensible for the audience. The recent iceberg splitting away from the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica presented a special challenge for media around the world resulting in a deviation (at least in my randomly collected sample) of almost 28%: definetly more than the tip of the iceberg.

NASA/John Sonntag
