Archiv der Kategorie: English

14|04|15: Interview on „The Science Show“

robyn-williams-image-dataWhile in Chicago at this year’s AAAS conference in February I had the honour to meet Robyn Williams (pictured left). This Australian legend in science journalism produces one of the longest running science programmes on the radio worldwide. ABC’s „Science Show“ has been on air since 1975. As it turned out Robyn had been to the same grammar school in Vienna (BG Stubenbastei) that I had gone to, although a few years earlier. Robyn decided on the spot to do a piece on Austrian science for which he interviewed Tom Henzinger of IST Austria and me. Here is the link to the programme aired April 12 plus the direct link to the mp3 file. I come in at  3:10.  Weiterlesen

13|11|12: Vienna Summer of Logic 2014

vslNew project besides other functions: I am serving as Media and Public Affairs Chair on the Organizing Comittee of the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014. Should you wonder: „With over 2000 expected participants, the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014 will be the largest event in the history of logic.“ Or as OC Co-Chair Helmut Veith puts it: „The biggest gathering of logicians since Aristotle.“ Stay tuned.

13|06|23: On failing

You must recognise that failure is 90% emotion, 10% self-fulfilling reality, and the fact that we are haunted by it is neither here nor there.The zen of it is that success and failure are both an illusion, that these illusions will keep you from the desk, they will spoil your talent; they will eat away at your life and your sleep and the way you speak to the people you love.

Anne Enright in „Falling short: seven writers reflect on failure“, The Guardian, June 21, 2013

13|04|07: On Britishness

„The British are supposed to be self-doubting rather than self-righteous – since the dissolution of empire, anyway. It’s one of the things I’m most patriotic about. From our awkwardness and embarrassment has sprung a complexity of literature, comedy and pop music that no other country can touch, for all their sunny weather and expressive street carnivals. You don’t get Fawlty Towers, Morrissey and Martin Amis from a nation that likes itself.“

Victoria Coren in „George Osborne, gawd bless yer“, The Observer,

13|03|30: On objectivity

„(J)ust how far can we use our own cultural and moral values to illuminate a very different situation from our own, particularly when the evidence for that ancient society is so patchy? Is objectivity even possible? The answer is that there can be no right or definite answer. All we can do is ask appropriate questions, evaluate the evidence as carefully as we can in the hope that understanding its context may help towards a solution, and be aware that historical interpretations are, in fact, just that – they are not full answers or complete narratives, but readings of ancient evidence made from particular modern perspectives.“

Hope V. and Huskinson J., „The Roman Family“ in Rome – City of People (Milton Keynes, 2006)

12|11|29: Schneckerl and me

Yesterday we celebrated the farewell party for IST Austria’s managing director Gerald Murauer. It was, indeed, an evening, as I had promised at the beginning, „as embarrassing and sentimental, as toe-curling and sobby“ as possible. One of the highlights was the surprise appearance of Austria’s soccer legend Herbert „Schneckerl“ Prohaska who I had the pleasure to interview. A man with a fine sense of humour which is probably indispensable if you make your living being a TV pundit commentating Austrian soccer.