Archiv der Kategorie: English

17|11|24: „Wo Ferien noch Ferien sind“

 „Wo Ferien noch Ferien sind“ – „Where vacation is still vacation“ was possibly the most popular slogan my father Günter P.F. Lehmann devised, supported by the daringly psychodelically designed claim „I like Niederösterreich“. The province of Lower Austria was one of the more important customers of his advertising agency „Wilkens & Lehmann“, which he had founded in Vienna in the early 1960s with partners from Hamburg (Wilkens) and for some time from London (Pemberton). „Wilkens & Lehmann“ was sold shortly after the death of my father in March 1979 and then dissolved. Eventually I will spend more time on my father’s company which appears to represent Vienna’s 60s and 70s version of „Mad Men“. The samples found by chance in the picture archive of the Austrian National Library seem to corroborate this assumption.

17|11|11: Operation Tubetop

The Canadian-born, Vienna- and Moscow-raised Tova Marr runs – among a myriad of other things like an incredibly busy social life – the very entertaining podcast „Operation Tubetop“. In 2016, Tova was the social media correspondent of the Vienna Ball of Sciences. To mark the begin of the carneval season she invited me to talk about what it was like to grow up in Vienna in the 1970s (dull), how to organize a ball in the 2010s (fun) and which historical period in Vienna I would like to have encountered (you will never guess). For all this and more check out Tova’s podcast page.

17|03|13: Thomas König on ERC history

Yesterday, I had the pleasure to welcome Thomas König to the Special Colloquium at IST Austria. Here is my introduction:

„If there is one single number which explains IST Austria, its organization and its scientific success to politicians, entrepreneurs, bureaucrats and journalists in Austria and abroad it is the number of ERC grants as fraction of the faculty. This number impresses non-scientists like no other, this number is quoted most frequently. Currently (as of March 10, 2017) this number is at 33 ERC grants (for 28 ERC grantees) out of a faculty of 46. Weiterlesen

16|03|20: Lehmann im EUSJA-Vorstand

Eine Meldung in eigener Sache. Am Samstag, den 19.03.2016, wurde ich in den Vorstand der EUSJA gewählt. Hier die entsprechende Pressemitteilung:

Lehmann neuer Honorary Secretary von EUSJA

Der Vertreter des österreichischen Klubs der Bildungs- und WissenschaftsjournalistInnen wurde in den Vorstand des Dachverbands der europäischen WissenschaftsjournalistInnen gewählt. Weiterlesen

16|03|14: For Helmut Veith (1971-2016)

“I have this idea”

My friend Helmut Veith passed away on Saturday, 12 March 2016, from the effects of a pulmonary embolism after an operation on his leg. He was 45 years old. Helmut is survived by his wife Anna, their son Nikita, and his mother Herta. Our thoughts are with them. I leave it to others to honour his pioneering achievements in the field of computer science. With this text I intend to recognize his outstanding abilities as science communicator. Weiterlesen

16|02|14: Why I am standing for the position of Honorary Secretary

Bildschirmfoto 2016-02-20 um 13.12.15The election committee for the 2016 EUSJA board elections–Mercè Piqueras, Jesper Madsen and István Palugyai–asked each nominee to send a short CV, a photo and his (her) short view on EUSJA, the European Union of Science Journalists‘ Associations. The list of candidates with this information will be sent to all National Associations at least a month before the next General Assembly on March 19, 2016, in Strasbourg (France) to give each association time for discussion beforehand. Here is my presentation, in a slightly extended version then actually requested: Weiterlesen